Who We Are

ESON is overseen by a steering committee who guide the project’s mission and activities. This body aims to be representative of coastal ecosystem research and institutions involved, and includes experts in marine ecology, modeling, and oceanography.

Steering Committee

Bob Miller (PI)
UCSB - Coastal marine ecology

Erika Eliason
UCSB - Physiology and animal behavior

Nick Nidzieko
UCSB - Coastal oceanography, autonomous sensing

Clarissa Anderson
SCCOOS executive director - Phytoplankton ecology

Barbara Block
Stanford - Tuna and shark tagging

Corey Garza
CSU Monterey Bay - Landscape ecology




  • Ana Sirovic - Texas A&M - Marine bioacoustics
  • Chandra Krintz - UCSB - Adaptive computing environments
  • David Siegel - UCSB - Interdisciplinary oceanography
  • Ed Parnell - UCSD - Coastal shelf ecosystems
  • Francisco Chavez - MBARI - Biological oceanography
  • Holly Moeller - UCSB - Marine ecology
  • Kyle Cavanaugh - UCLA - Remote sensing and marine ecology
  • Rich Wolski - UCSB - Cloud, parallel and distributed computing
  • Thomas Bell - UCSB - Remote sensing and marine ecology